Normally when you say the words "Sex Tech", people scratch their heads confused or correct you and state, "oh you mean sex toys?" However, the experience we had at Goldsmith's Sex Tech Hackathon held by Hacksmiths was not just sex toys.
It was unlike any other hackathon or making event we've been to.
The three day weekend brought together many talented and highly individualistic yet like-minded individuals with one goal in mind: creating more inclusive environments through sex and technology. The hackathon's themes embodied three different categories of intimacy, accessibility, and personalisation. However, those categories seem a bit limiting as there were so many interesting projects and ideas. Here's a list of some of the projects:
Tentacle Tongue — rim job simulator
Soft Dongs — creating a packer to suit you for transmen/FTM and people without penises
VR Sexperiments — experiencing a VR penis
sucCUMb — multisensory masturbation experience
Squiggly Dockers — multiple docking prosthetics for multiple partners anywhere on the body
the "Nose" Stroker 3000 — helping couples to communicate how they like to be touched non-verbally
Gyroknob — a masturbation mechanism for people with carpel tunnel
#Pé — cryptocurrencies through your electric bill (incentivising a real value in a person's life) for adult entertainment, changing the culture of free adult entertainment to a culture of paying
Fake it 'Till you make it — personalised vibrator that emits stronger vibration with louder moaning noises as it hears the sound of your own moaning voice and many more.
We think the photos encapsulate more of the experience than explaining.
Everyone gathering around to experience the inflatable hugging machine. Paul Clarke via Flickr

Adjusting their Squiggly Dockers right before presentation.
& Saturday Night. One more day before pitch. Everyone's been make, make, making. Paul Clarke via Flickr

What it takes to mimic a real human hug.
Embodiment through masturbation. Paul Clarke via Flickr

Enjoying all the pitches. Paul Clarke via Flickr
Don't forget this intimate part. Paul Clarke via Flickr

Did I mention the hackathon took place in a church. Having an out of body feeling when masturbating through moans.

It's not clear what's happening in this photo, but they are playing a VR game of wank a penis.
Mapping out a body just in case.
- Paul Clarke via Flickr

One of the judges getting to experience a personalised vibrator that emits stronger vibration with louder moaning noises as it hears the sound of your own moaning voice. - Paul Clarke via Flickr

Making sure everything is docking in it's right place. Watching everyone's amazing pitches. - Paul Clarke via Flickr
If you'd like to see more about the Sex Tech Hackathon, check out Paul Clarke's photos. If you'd like to read more about the Sex Tech Hackathon, check out the Guardian, Dazed, and Future of Sex.